Voltron's Dorm
See how it all began in the original comic staring WEP characters of the 80's hit cartoon, Voltron. Read and find out
about their hilarious antics of the
force's daily lives. You could say the comic picks up what the show edited out for the big guy.

Lady Lovely Locks, Defender of the Universe
What do you get when you have an evil witch who dabbles in the realm of 80's pop-culture? Find out as the voltron force battle Hagar in the most bizarre adventure
yet. *Warning* contains cross-dressing v-members and a mangy dog costume.

The Strands of Love
After many e-mails from desperate Keith and Allura fans, the Love Goddess; from Tenchi in Tokyo, pays a visit to the group on Arus--and finds herself feeling déjvu.
The Love Goddess Rides Again
Sequel to "The Strands of Love
" the Love Goddess reprises her role as the Deity of romance when a certain voltron member leaves her a post about affections towards their commander. It'll leave you reaching for Shakespeare in the end.
Voltron's Pajama Rama
In our latest comic, the Voltron force is waken up in the wee hours in the morning so Pidge can show off his new super power suit.
It seems perfect at first except for one minor detail—it only comes in ice crystal pink. Can certain members of the force deal with the suit's quark, or will they kill each other in the process?
This is also the first in the Voltron She-ra comic cross-over series being done by the staff here at Voltron's Dorm and another comic artist featured in
The Etheria Chronicles. 

Telling Tales
Mean while in another 80's cartoon, Castaspella is working on a top seceret potion when she is distirbed by the ever curious Glimmer. What will happen to Casty's spell? And what does this have to do with Voltron? Find out in the next part of the Voltron She-ra comic cross-over!

Strange Encounters
After being transported to another dimension, Keith and Lance find themselves face to face with a beautiful stranger. Will she help them get back to planet Arus? Will the guys stop bickering long enough to ask? Find out in the third instalment of the Voltron She-ra comic cross-over!

Voltron: The Dorm Dimension
What do you get when you mix a fully loaded camera with two fully loaded photographers? The newest comic section featured at Voltron's Dorm. With a little coaxing and a couple of Mudslides we were able to talk Hunk and Pidge into getting us some inside, live, uncensored footage of the team. Let's just say it doesn't get any realler than this!

Please Pass the Toffee Poofs
1 *
2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6
Hunk and Pidge get doped into a bogus peace treaty and end up sipping cocktails with Allura's relatives and also with the missing cursed ring of Tanaria. Meanwhile
back at Arus, Lance is put through creative tortures by a disgruntle mobster for a toffee poof token prize.
Cooking with Hunk and Pidge
Episode 1 with guest star Merla
Episode 2 with guest star Sven
Episode 3 with guest star Haggar
Episode 4 with guest star ???
Just a friendly reminder that the show Voltron™ and all characters featured in the show belongs to World Events Productions. To visit World Events Productions Voltron™ web page go to http://www.voltronforce.com.